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The Binôme Resistance was born from extensive research and has been validated by professional athletes.

Recommended by top sports physiotherapists, physical therapists, athletes and coaches.


Strengthen your muscles with the Resistance Binôme

Combine video exercises with professional equipment to improve your movements , without pain and which allows you to improve your performance .

Improve the way you feel by moving as a duo!


Why open the rib cage?

Opening the rib cage is essential in order to straighten the spine , improve breathing and the functioning of all organs . To facilitate this opening, it is important to improve your flexibility and strengthen your back muscles.

"I love my Binôme Resistance - I use it every day and I see a huge difference in shoulder strength and stability. My performance in handstands, overhead presses, snatches, etc. has improved. considerably improved."

Josephine Limbourg

Verified buyer

Fight shoulder pain

Reduce your pain without therapy or a doctor's appointment.

Binôme Resistance is
equipment approved by sports doctors that will help you progress through pain-free movements.

"This is exactly what my 17-year-old daughter needed! She suffered from a muscle tear. Just 15 days after starting the Binôme Résistance program, she was able to participate in football and basketball practices without bandages and without no pain. We're on day 25 and it's absolutely incredible."


Chris Matimo

Verified buyer


A better warm-up

The hardest part of an exercise program is getting started. Start with a few minutes to start your warm-up and leave you full of energy to continue your exercises afterwards.

"I started using it as my warm-up before every CrossFit session and my shoulders have never felt better. Plus, on active recovery days, I can combine the Resistance Binome with a little cardio to an excellent session."

Julien Malecourt

Verified buyer

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